Sunday, February 12, 2012

Do you know of any great places to visit in 'Second Life', I am overwhelmed!?

BTW.. this is the online game 'Second Life', not some spiritual journey.Do you know of any great places to visit in 'Second Life', I am overwhelmed!?
I love the following 'places' for the following 'resons':

Dusty's - Country Western and Rock Bar, Line Dancing, Cool People, Great Tunes.

*Gurl 6 - Really great shopping.. especially for hairstyles

The Apollo SIM (Salsas y 'something' - sorry forgot the full name)- Great Romantic Latin Ballroom Dancing, totally safe/clean

Feminine Fetish - sounds kinky..but they have really pretty furniture for your home/apartment, romantic looking stuff (Not the BOXY stuff guys seem to

Naboo - Fun for Star Wars RPG Living, Cute Apartments

Have fun...

Let me know if you need anything more specific.Do you know of any great places to visit in 'Second Life', I am overwhelmed!?
All I can say is check out to get a walkthrough of it all every secret whatever you want to know.Do you know of any great places to visit in 'Second Life', I am overwhelmed!?
do you think after 8 hours workin **** job i can answer this hard question
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