Sunday, February 5, 2012

Have anyone heard of game?

Have anyone heard of that Secind Life game that is online? Is it true that you can make money from it? If so how is that possible? Also how do you recieve the money? And how does this whole game thing works?Have anyone heard of game?
Secondlife is simply, a second life. You create your character to however you want them, and you walk / fly through an online world. You can buy land using real money, and make whatever you want, including stores/ items, etc. People can buy what you make. That is one way to make Lindens ( the currency in Secondlife). On you can then trade lindens for US currency. There are also many, many other ways to earn Lindens.Have anyone heard of game?
It basically is just a 3D chatbox in which you can do a lot of things in a virtual "world" (hence the name). If someone is prepared to pay you money for something you can do there then you can earn money, and I'm sure there are probably quite some people that are prepared to. However, they don't ask you to do simple things, of course.Have anyone heard of game?
yes the second life is a online 3d game, yes u can make money from it but u can also lose money since it deals in real money.

since u can trade things for real life money and sell things for real life money.

the payments are manly done via paypal.

i would goto there website and read more about it.
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