Thursday, February 2, 2012

LIFE / Game of life full version download?

I played the game of life about 9 years ago on a p.c. and haven't been able to find it since. No store I've been to or phoned has it in stock or knows what it is and a lot of the links from previous asks have been taken down or have expired. Hoping to find it online for free as my rents won't let me buy over the internet. Any help is appreciated.LIFE / Game of life full version download?
I've searched allot for this game and I don't think you'll get a free version without the risk of downloading it from dodgy torrent sites (Which I would not recommend)

Here's the cheapest version I found $9.99 from a site I've never heard of,it has a good WOT(web of trust) rating but download at your own risk as I have never used this site I couldn't recommend or discourage the use of it.鈥?/a>

Here's a 1 hour free trial from Yahoo games so you know it's a reputable site but the full version will cost you $19.99鈥?/a>

Sorry I couldn't be of more help,just be wary of any claims that say it's free,then you'll be less likely to end up with a virus.
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