Thursday, February 2, 2012

My boyfriend seems to have an addiction to online relationships?

Please read the whole thing before answering. My boyfriend and I have been together for over 9 years and we have an 8 year old son together. 4 years ago he got pretty heavy into an online relationship with another woman. They were telling each other I love you and crap. I confronted him and he told me that he didn't really mean it which was a load of bull$hit. Anyway I let it go and we've done ok for the last 4 years up until about 2 months ago. He started playing that online game Second Life. At first he only did it occasionally but now it's all he does when he's not working or sleeping. A few days ago I went to feed our rabbit that is right behind the recliner he sits in and plays his game. He immediately closed down his chatbox and moved his avatar away from what looked like a female avatar. I asked him about it and he said it was nothing. I said if it was nothing then why are you hiding it from me? He said cause I knew you would act like this. I didn't even see what heMy boyfriend seems to have an addiction to online relationships?
Sounds like hes cheating on you, confront him until he admits it, its sick and wrong, because you guys have a child together, and also why would he do that to you, if he loves you.

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