Sunday, February 12, 2012


Well it all Started when her and i where playing this game online . and we met this guy who lives way far away from us (in another Continent) hes 15 and we'r both 18 . he added both of us on MSN and we started to chat in "triple chats" . the moment he heard my best friend's voice he began to get attached to her (P.S:she got a cut girlish voice) and i asked her to stop talking to him but when she did , he began to nag on her and she responded to his well and talked to him again . i didn't want her to get attached to him i mean hes way far and shes different because well all i wanna say its 2 WAY different worlds .So by the time she dated him online and began to cam chat and talk to him on the phone every single day . i asked her what is she planning to do about this relationship and she said "i'll meet him soon" . (P.S: she only known him for 3 months now ) . she even Neglected her college studies just to spend more time with him and he skips school couple of times and get online for like 24/7 . well we arn't allowed to date in real life so yeah i dont know what to do.i tried to talk to her about it but she never listens . should i tell her mom or should i just wait since hes only 15 i mean hes a teenager he might change his mind or flip anytime . all im scared of that he might be dangerous and harm her in real life what should i do ?! (P.S: He has alot of friends who's in gangs)HELP PLEASE !! MY BEST FRIEND IS MEETING HER ONLINE BOYFRIEND IN REAL LIFE ?!!!!?
Share your concerns with your friend and if you are completely scared by this meeting then go to her parents to put stop to this. He could completely be psycho and dangerous no matter his age or he could be the 15 year old nice kid you were chatting with, you never know for sure. If she is desperate to meet with him then it should be done in a PUBLIC place with no chance of loneliness for those two.
u dont rlly kno if he is rlly that age.

did he sound 15?

maybe you guys should go with a bunch of friends.

then if he isnt who u think he is u wont get hurt.

maybe tell her parents. ask them to tag along.HELP PLEASE !! MY BEST FRIEND IS MEETING HER ONLINE BOYFRIEND IN REAL LIFE ?!!!!?
well teehy should meet at the mall or somewhere else tahts full of people %26amp; yu should brinq a buncha friends so he wont do anythinq if hes a bad person
He's going to rape her. Tell her to call it off. I'm serious. Or he'll be desperate and stalk her. Then she'll have a host of problems.HELP PLEASE !! MY BEST FRIEND IS MEETING HER ONLINE BOYFRIEND IN REAL LIFE ?!!!!?
noooooooooooo. tell her not to please..completely agree with rocket
Talk to her parents about it. Maybe he is not 15.... maybe he is some 40 year old guy. I know a story like this a guy acted like he was 16 over myspace.... they actually met.... and he was some 40 year old but the good thing was her friend told her parents so they were there when this happend. So make sure you tell her parents, this is serious.

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