Thursday, February 2, 2012

How can I pay money into Secondlife without being caught out? (See details)?


I'm 16 years old, and I play Second Life (online game: ) on the main grid. Yes, I know, I lied about a couple of things. ^.^; (Because the Teen Grid sucks honestly.)

I want to make a payment into SL of 拢12GBP ($24USD) into my account so I can stop my in game avatar looking like... well... a poorly paid extra in an already low budget BBC sitcom.

My problem is that I don't want to get rumbled for being underage on the Main Grid when a quick check of my bank card details will say I am a few years tounger than I claim to be.

So is there any way of getting money in with being caught out? I think I have to be 18+ to use Paypal, and they can check my card details and catch me too.

Any useful advice will help.


JoeHow can I pay money into Secondlife without being caught out? (See details)?
I honestly don't think they even care about that. Or rather, I don't think they care about it enough to not accept your money. I would say just go for it you won't get banned.How can I pay money into Secondlife without being caught out? (See details)?
2How can I pay money into Secondlife without being caught out? (See details)?
Grrr, get off the Main Grid, kid! If you are ever found out LL will perma-ban you.

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