Thursday, February 2, 2012

Why do I feel like life is a routine?

I feel like everyday is the same thing over and over again... I feel like life is a meaningless exercise. I feel like life is some online game like "RuneScape", you can level up all the way to level 99, you can chat/have good times all you can, but in the end nothing comes out of it except experiences. Don't get me wrong though, I'm not suicidal or depressed, just extremely bored.Why do I feel like life is a routine?
Life is a routine.

However, the way you view life; the way you choose to engage

yourself in it; the routines you choose; etc., do not have to be


Boredom is the inability to create an escape mechanism from

the reality one has enslaved themselves to. You need a more vivid

and active imagination. You need to dream big and pursue those dreams. You need to get out of your routine and go hunt down some new adventures. You're staying in one place too long. You need

to start getting your life into motion. That's how you combat boredom;

you fight it..and don't just accept and/or succumb to it.



It is a routine, believe it or not (and I've played Runescape, I've given up at about lvl 67 believe it or not). Fact of the matter is, the monotony of daily life is something people have struggled with their whole life. It's up to you however, to move out of that routine (like go watch a movie with friends, and go do somethign special once a week or once in a while to excite your life for a while). In a sence, if you want to put it into other terms, "go play another MMO and level a character there"Why do I feel like life is a routine?
Practice thirty more years.

-Zen saying
I feel like that sometimes.. I'm into video games too and I'm very fascinated with those that have great storylines or gameplays that bear some similarities in real life. but I just try not to compare much those aspects with life. it can end up disorienting us or even worse making us twisted. (You know Genesis of Final Fantasy VII?)

let me ask, are you an indoor person? if so, I suggest going out more often if you're bored. try harder to discover new interests. there might be so much more things to explore in this world than you imagined.

and another advice I can give you is if there's one very interest you have, give it all your heart. hope this helps.Why do I feel like life is a routine?
callenge your self. 90 percent of all the people feel the same way..
start being spontaneous meet a girl or(guy) that turns you on! get a hobby join a team... go on vacation.... travel, just take a trip to vegas and bet 500 on black jack.. LIVE A LITTLE! NO FORGET THAT LIVE ALOT
something gonna'll see!
There are two ways to live: one, for you; two, for the world. Don't get me wrong though, this doesn't mean everyone should be a martyr and you're a bad person if you're not. You are a part of the world (wisdom from my girlfriend). Life is the sum of your experiences, then stretch beyond your life and impact the world. If it is a routine, than change the world, you can have a square in a bigger square, but if you change the bigger square to a triangle does the square still fit? Being is doing, and the point of existence according to both science and myself is to evolve and become perfect, so than it stands that the world must change, so than you have blow the river or sit idly by it.
well then live on the edge. break some rules, do some things that your not supposed to do, like i dont think their are clubs in online games, so go to one...their are tons of things that you can do that can make you less bored.



*cliff diving
For most people, life is a routine. Life becomes so much of a routine that many of us don't even realize it. We work, we go to school, we eat dinner, we go to sleep, we watch TV, etc. etc. And schedules are generally regarded as virtuous since they help us achieve our goals by prioritizing and organizing. I suppose for things to work out in an organized fashion, things in our society need to be structured. Yet structure is boring. What I would advise is reading some absurdist or existentialist philosophies by Camus or Sartre for guidance. I also suggest some philosophical films such as Waking Life, My Dinner with Andre, and What the Bleep Do We Know?! Remember though, try to create excitement and less boredom by skewing perceptions to your liking. You are capable!

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