Thursday, February 2, 2012

Why do I feel like life is a routine?

I feel like everyday is the same thing over and over again... I feel like life is a meaningless exercise. I feel like life is some online game like "RuneScape", you can level up all the way to level 99, you can chat/have good times all you can, but in the end nothing comes out of it except experiences. Don't get me wrong though, I'm not suicidal or depressed, just extremely bored.Why do I feel like life is a routine?
actually, in the bible there was a man named Solomon who asked God for great wisdom and even today he is known to be the wisest man that ever lived. he became very much like what you are talking about and tried everything he could think of that would give him pleasure. he even married 700 women. in the end he repented for all he did and his conclusion about life was that everything is vanity. all we do is for nothing. the only things good for a man to do is to eat, drink and be merry. so, don't sweat the small stuff and enjoy life. eat the foods that taste good to you, drink what tastes good to you. do what is fun to you. LIVE MAN LIVE!!! do something out of character. it will give you a rush.
You feel that way because, by and large, life is a routine. We do routine days from day-to-day and, unless we develop other things to keep us amused, we become bored.Why do I feel like life is a routine?
You've got to do something new. Not something superficial and new, but something which requires significant learning to master that changes you and puts you in contact with people with a different way of looking at the world or a different expertise.

Live is far from routine. That's an illusion. We all fall into that trap and can get out.
I have been there. I call it a "rut." It's kind of like you are just walking through the motions of life and feeling numb. All I can really tell you is that it will pass. I feel like that a lot because I really haven't found a "passion" in life! You know how for some men, it is golf? or women get such thrill out of shopping? I never found ANYTHING that really just makes me crazy excited to do. Now that my son was born, I have him, and he is my life! Honestly, I got married over a year ago. I love my husband so much and even he knows I just kind of am always going through the motions of life. I guess I'm used to it. I just never feel emotions in an extreme manner. Hopefully, you will bounce out of it! Best wishes!Why do I feel like life is a routine?
try new things. if this week was the last week of your life what would you do? .....probably nothing routine right? go have fun, go crazy live life!!!!!!!
Your life is probably routine. RPG's are so bad for mental health. They place people in these fantasy worlds. The people get so caught up in them they live in a alternative world and don't know how to live here in the real world.

I highly suggest that you start doing other things even if you don't think you're interested in them. I believe that you will find that you will enjoy life better if you broaden your horizons and stop playing RPG's.

Life is Good if you go out and Live it.
Ok school is starting so no broadness any more :D go on a vacation ditch the damn school :P do the stuff that makes you happy have fun enjoy your life live like your going to die tomorrow ;)
I use to feel that way too! The key is to try to make up different routines everyday. Then it wont be so boring. Love and Light.

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