Sunday, February 12, 2012

A good role-playing game online?

Okay so, I know a lot of people are going to answer with games I DON'T want, these being Guild Wars, WoW, Everquest. No, these are not role playing games, they are mmorpgs.

It seems to me that when you compress Role-Playing Game into its acronym, its not actually Role Playing, its Avatar playing. What I'm looking for is a game, like D%26amp;D, in which you create your character and live out your characters life and story through game play. Not in the form of combat but say, going and opening a shop, or being a woodworker or **** it, how about being a hermit at the top of a mountain with nothing to do except cannibalize random passerby.

I want to literally step into the ROLE of my character. Not sit back and tell a character what to do. Thats not role play.

Any answers would be appreciated, as long as they fit the criteria.A good role-playing game online?
Oblivion 4, Mafia 2, Heavy Rain and LA Noire are all really good role playing games unfortunatley they dont have online. But the offline story modes are really good.A good role-playing game online?
HAHAHAHAHA I quote "Okay so, I know a lot of people are going to answer with games I DON'T want, these being Guild Wars, WoW, Everquest. No, these are not role playing games, they are mmorpgs."

They are not RPGs they are mmoRPGs? you idiot, they ARE role playing games, go learn to definition!

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